lesión de cabeza abierta

Kullanım örnekleri

lesión de cabeza abierta
open head injury
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Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Not closed

Definition: Not physically drawn together, closed, folded or contracted; extended

Example: an open hand; an open flower

Definition: Actively conducting or prepared to conduct business.

Example: Banks are not open on bank holidays.

Definition: Receptive.

Example: I am open to new ideas.

Definition: Public

Example: He published an open letter to the governor on a full page of the New York Times.

Definition: Candid, ingenuous, not subtle in character.

Example: The man is an open book.

Definition: (of a formula) Having a free variable.

Definition: (of a set) Which is part of a predefined collection of subsets of X, that defines a topological space on X.

Definition: (of a walk) Whose first and last vertices are different.

Definition: (of a file, document, etc.) In current use; mapped to part of memory.

Example: I couldn't save my changes because another user had the same file open.

Definition: Not fulfilled.

Example: I've got open orders for as many containers of red durum as you can get me.

Definition: Not settled or adjusted; not decided or determined; not closed or withdrawn from consideration.

Example: an open question

Definition: (stringed instruments) Of a note, played without pressing the string against the fingerboard.

Definition: (wind instruments) Of a note, played without closing any finger-hole, key or valve.

Definition: Not of a quality to prevent communication, as by closing waterways, blocking roads, etc.; hence, not frosty or inclement; mild; used of the weather or the climate.

Example: an open winter

Definition: (Of correspondence) Written or sent with the intention that it may made public or referred to at any trial, rather than by way of confidential private negotiation for a settlement. (Opposite of "without prejudice")

Example: You will observe that this is an open letter and we reserve the right to mention it to the judge should the matter come to trial.

Definition: Uttered with a relatively wide opening of the articulating organs; said of vowels.

Definition: Uttered, as a consonant, with the oral passage simply narrowed without closure.

Definition: (of a syllable) That ends in a vowel; not having a coda.

Definition: Made public, usable with a free licence and without proprietary components.

Definition: Resulting from an incision, puncture or any other process by which the skin no longer protects an internal part of the body.

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Phonetic: "/hɛd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The part of the body of an animal or human which contains the brain, mouth and main sense organs.

Example: Be careful when you pet that dog on the head; it may bite.

Definition: The topmost, foremost, or leading part.

Example: What does it say at the head of the page?

Definition: (social, metonymy) A leader or expert.

Definition: A significant or important part.

Definition: Headway; progress.

Example: We are having a difficult time making head against this wind.

Definition: Topic; subject.

Example: We will consider performance issues under the head of future improvements.

Definition: Denouement; crisis.

Example: These isses are going to come to a head today.

Definition: (fluid dynamics) Pressure and energy.

Definition: Fellatio or cunnilingus; oral sex.

Example: She gave great head.

Definition: The glans penis.

Definition: A heavy or habitual user of illicit drugs.

Definition: Power; armed force.

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Phonetic: "/hɛd/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To be in command of. (See also head up.)

Example: Who heads the board of trustees?

Definition: To come at the beginning of; to commence.

Example: A group of clowns headed the procession.

Definition: To strike with the head; as in soccer, to head the ball

Definition: To move in a specified direction.

Example: How does the ship head?

Definition: To remove the head from a fish.

Example: The salmon are first headed and then scaled.

Definition: To originate; to spring; to have its course, as a river.

Definition: To form a head.

Example: This kind of cabbage heads early.

Definition: To form a head to; to fit or furnish with a head.

Example: to head a nail

Definition: To cut off the top of; to lop off.

Example: to head trees

Definition: To behead; to decapitate.

Definition: To go in front of.

Example: to head a drove of cattle

Definition: To get in the front of, so as to hinder or stop; to oppose.

Example: The wind headed the ship and made progress difficult.

Definition: (by extension) To check or restrain.

Definition: To set on the head.

Example: to head a cask

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Phonetic: "/hɛd/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Of, relating to, or intended for the head.

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Phonetic: "/ˈɪn.dʒə.ɹi/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Damage to the body of a human or animal.

Example: The passenger sustained a severe injury in the car accident.

Definition: The violation of a person's reputation, rights, property, or interests.

Example: Slander is an injury to the character.

Definition: Injustice.

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Phonetic: "/ˈɪn.dʒə.ɹi/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To wrong, to injure.

Türkçeden İngilizceye En Hızlı Çevirmen

Çevirinize ince ayar yapmak için yerleşik sözlükleri kullanın: Tek tıklamayla eşanlamlılar ve örneklerle bağlam içi çeviriler, anlamlar, telaffuz ve diğer dil özelliklerinde sorunsuz bir şekilde uzmanlaşmanıza yardımcı olur. Kesinlikle ücretsiz, hızlı ve doğru çevirmen!

Çeviri yazılımımızı diğer makine çevirmenlerinden farklı kılmak için çok yol kat ettik. Türkçe - İngilizce çevirmenimiz orijinal metnin anlamını ve cümlenin ana fikrini asıl amaçlandığı gibi korumak için tasarlanmıştır. Çevirmenimiz olabildiğince insandır. Ürünümüz en iyi gizliliği sağlar. Verilerinizi izlemiyor, satmıyor veya saklamıyoruz. Çevirileriniz size aittir. Transferler için kayıt ve ödeme gerekli değildir!Çevirinin anadilde gerçek anlamda ses çıkarabilmesi için dilsel doğruluğun yanı sıra kültürel özellikler ve bilginin de sağlanması esastır. Bu yüzden dilin nüanslarını bilen İngiltere'den tercümanlarla çalışıyoruz. Türkçe ve İngilizce tercümanlarımız, çeviride hiçbir şeyin kaybolmamasını sağlamak için sorularınızı yanıtlamak ve açıklamalar sağlamak için her zaman hazırdır. Tercümanımızın rekor sürede doğru çeviriler sunabilmesinden ve bunun hızlı, güvenli ve tamamen ücretsiz olmasından gurur duyuyoruz! Kullanıcılarımızı önemsiyoruz.