renk küpü

Kullanım örnekleri

renk küpü
color solid
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Phonetic: "/ˈkʌl.ə(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The spectral composition of visible light

Example: Humans and birds can perceive color.

Definition: A subset thereof:

Definition: A paint.

Example: The artist took out her colors and began work on a landscape.

Definition: Human skin tone, especially as an indicator of race or ethnicity.

Example: Color has been a sensitive issue in many societies.

Definition: Skin color, noted as normal, jaundiced, cyanotic, flush, mottled, pale, or ashen as part of the skin signs assessment.

Definition: A flushed appearance of blood in the face; redness of complexion.

Definition: Richness of expression; detail or flavour that is likely to generate interest or enjoyment.

Example: Could you give me some color with regards to which products made up the mix of revenue for this quarter?

Definition: A standard, flag, or insignia:

Definition: (in the plural) An award for sporting achievement, particularly within a school or university.

Example: He was awarded colors for his football.

Definition: (in the plural) The morning ceremony of raising the flag.

Definition: A property of quarks, with three values called red, green, and blue, which they can exchange by passing gluons.

Definition: A third-order measure of derivative price sensitivity, expressed as the rate of change of gamma with respect to time, or equivalently the rate of change of charm with respect to changes in the underlying asset price.

Definition: The relative lightness or darkness of a mass of written or printed text on a page. (See type color.)

Definition: Any of the colored balls excluding the reds.

Definition: A front or facade; an ostensible truth actually false; pretext.

Definition: An appearance of right or authority; color of law.

Example: Under color of law, he managed to bilk taxpayers of millions of dollars.

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Phonetic: "/ˈkʌl.ə(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To give something color.

Example: We could color the walls red.

Definition: To apply colors to the areas within the boundaries of a line drawing using colored markers or crayons.

Example: My kindergartener loves to color.

Definition: (of a person or their face) To become red through increased blood flow.

Example: Her face colored as she realized her mistake.

Definition: To affect without completely changing.

Example: That interpretation certainly colors my perception of the book.

Definition: To attribute a quality to; to portray (as).

Example: Color me confused.

Definition: To assign colors to the vertices of a graph (or the regions of a map) so that no two vertices connected by an edge (regions sharing a border) have the same color.

Example: Can this graph be 2-colored?

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Phonetic: "/ˈkʌl.ə(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Conveying color, as opposed to shades of gray.

Example: Color television and movies were considered a great improvement over black and white.

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Phonetic: "/ˈsɒlɪd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A substance in the fundamental state of matter that retains its size and shape without need of a container (as opposed to a liquid or gas).

Definition: A three-dimensional figure (as opposed to a surface, an area, or a curve).

Definition: A favor.

Example: I owe him; he did me a solid last year.

Definition: An article of clothing which is of a single color throughout.

Example: I prefer solids over paisleys.

Definition: (in the plural) Food which is not liquid-based.

Example: The doctor said I can't eat any solids four hours before the operation.

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Phonetic: "/ˈsɒlɪd/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: (of an object or substance) That can be picked up or held, having a texture, and usually firm. Unlike a liquid or a gas.

Example: Almost all metals are solid at room temperature.

Definition: Large in size, quantity, or value.

Definition: Lacking holes, hollows or admixtures of other materials.

Example: solid chocolate

Definition: Strong or unyielding.

Example: a solid foundation

Definition: Excellent, of high quality, or reliable.

Example: I don't think Dave would have done that. He's a solid dude.

Definition: Hearty; filling.

Example: a solid meal

Definition: Worthy of credit, trust, or esteem; substantial; not frivolous or fallacious.

Definition: Financially well off; wealthy.

Definition: Sound; not weak.

Example: a solid constitution of body

Definition: Written as one word, without spaces or hyphens.

Example: American English writes many words as solid that British English hyphenates.

Definition: Not having the lines separated by leads; not open.

Definition: United; without division; unanimous.

Example: The delegation is solid for a candidate.

Definition: Of a single color throughout.

Example: He wore a solid shirt with floral pants.

Definition: (of drawn lines) Continuous; unbroken; not dotted or dashed.

Example: The solid lines show roads, and the dotted lines footpaths.

Definition: Having all the geometrical dimensions; cubic.

Example: A solid foot contains 1,728 solid inches.

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Phonetic: "/ˈsɒlɪd/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Solidly.

Definition: Without spaces or hyphens.

Example: Many long-established compounds are set solid.

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