bank koltuk

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bank koltuk
bench seat
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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A long seat with or without a back, found for example in parks and schools.

Example: They sat on a park bench and tossed bread crumbs to the ducks and pigeons.

Definition: The people who decide on the verdict; the judiciary.

Example: They are awaiting a decision on the motion from the bench.

Definition: The place where the judges sit.

Example: She sat on the bench for 30 years before she retired.

Definition: The dignity of holding an official seat.

Example: the bench of bishops

Definition: The place where players (substitutes) and coaches sit when not playing.

Example: He spent the first three games on the bench, watching.

Definition: The number of players on a team able to participate, expressed in terms of length.

Example: Injuries have shortened the bench.

Definition: A place where assembly or hand work is performed; a workbench.

Example: She placed the workpiece on the bench, inspected it closely, and opened the cover.

Definition: A horizontal padded surface, usually adjustable in height and inclination and often with attached weight rack, used for proper posture during exercise.

Definition: A bracket used to mount land surveying equipment onto a stone or a wall.

Example: After removing the bench, we can use the mark left on the wall as a reference point.

Definition: A flat ledge in the slope of an earthwork, work of masonry, or similar.

Definition: A thin strip of relatively flat land bounded by steeper slopes above and below.

Definition: A kitchen surface on which to prepare food, a counter.

Definition: A bathroom surface which holds the washbasin, a vanity.

Definition: A collection or group of dogs exhibited to the public, traditionally on benches or raised platforms.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To remove a player from play.

Example: They benched him for the rest of the game because they thought he was injured.

Definition: To remove someone from a position of responsibility temporarily.

Definition: To push a person backward against a conspirator behind them who is on their hands and knees, causing them to fall over.

Definition: To furnish with benches.

Definition: To place on a bench or seat of honour.

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Phonetic: "/siːt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Something to be sat upon.

Definition: A location or site.

Definition: The starting point of a fire.

Definition: Posture, or way of sitting, on horseback.

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Phonetic: "/siːt/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To put an object into a place where it will rest; to fix; to set firm.

Example: Be sure to seat the gasket properly before attaching the cover.

Definition: To provide with places to sit.

Example: The waiter seated us and asked what we would like to drink.

Definition: To request or direct one or more persons to sit.

Example: Please seat the audience after the anthem and then introduce the first speaker.

Definition: (legislature) To recognize the standing of a person or persons by providing them with one or more seats which would allow them to participate fully in a meeting or session.

Example: Only half the delegates from the state were seated at the convention because the state held its primary too early.

Definition: To assign the seats of.

Example: to seat a church

Definition: To cause to occupy a post, site, or situation; to station; to establish; to fix; to settle.

Definition: To rest; to lie down.

Definition: To settle; to plant with inhabitants.

Example: to seat a country

Definition: To put a seat or bottom in.

Example: to seat a chair

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