aileyle yaşamak

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aileyle yaşamak
live with parents
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Phonetic: "/lɪv/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To be alive; to have life.

Example: He's not expected to live for more than a few months.

Definition: To have permanent residence somewhere, to inhabit, to reside.

Example: I live at 2a Acacia Avenue.  He lives in LA, but he's staying here over the summer.

Definition: To survive; to persevere; to continue.

Example: Her memory lives in that song.

Definition: To cope.

Example: You'll just have to live with it!  I can't live in a world without you.

Definition: To pass life in a specified manner.

Example: It is difficult to live in poverty.   And they lived happily ever after.

Definition: To spend, as one's life; to pass; to maintain; to continue in, constantly or habitually.

Example: To live an idle or a useful life.

Definition: To act habitually in conformity with; to practice; to exemplify in one's way of life.

Definition: To outlast danger; to float (said of a ship, boat, etc).

Example: No ship could live in such a storm.

Definition: (followed by "on" or "upon") To maintain or support one's existence; to provide for oneself; to feed; to subsist.

Example: It is hard to live on the minimum wage.   They lived on stale bread.

Definition: To make the most of life; to experience a full, rich life.

Example: I'm sick of spending every day studying at home: I want to go out there and live!

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Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Along, together with others, in a group, etc.

Example: Do you want to come with?

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Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Against.

Example: He picked a fight with the class bully.

Definition: In the company of; alongside, close to; near to.

Example: He went with his friends.

Definition: In addition to; as an accessory to.

Example: She owns a motorcycle with a sidecar.

Definition: Used to indicate simultaneous happening, or immediate succession or consequence.

Example: Jim was listening to Bach with his eyes closed.

Definition: In support of.

Example: We are with you all the way.

Definition: In regard to.

Example: He was pleased with the outcome.

Definition: To denote the accomplishment of cause, means, instrument, etc; – sometimes equivalent to by.

Example: slain with robbers

Definition: Using as an instrument; by means of.

Example: Find what you want instantly with our search engine.

Definition: Using as nourishment; more recently replaced by on.

Definition: Having, owning.

Example: It was small and bumpy, with a tinge of orange.

Definition: Affected by (a certain emotion or condition).

Example: He spoke with sadness in his voice.

Definition: Prompted by (a certain emotion).

Example: green with envy; flushed with success

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Phonetic: "/ˈpɛəɹənts/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: One of the two persons from whom one is immediately biologically descended; a mother or father.

Definition: A surrogate mother

Definition: A third person who has provided DNA samples in an IVF procedure in order to alter faulty genetic material

Definition: A person who acts as a parent in rearing a child; a step-parent or adoptive parent.

Definition: A relative.

Definition: The source or origin of something.

Definition: An organism from which a plant or animal is immediately biologically descended.

Definition: Sponsor, supporter, owner, protector.

Definition: The object from which a child or derived object is descended; a node superior to another node.

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Phonetic: "/ˈpɛəɹənts/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To act as parent, to raise or rear.

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